Thermal Oxidizers
Our Thermal Oxidizers are custom designed to meet the highest thermal destruction efficiency requirements as well as NOx emissions and CO requirements. Fume wastes as well liquid wastes can be burned to completion and without soot production.
Thermal Oxidizers can be built with and without waste heat recovery systems. See Waste Heat Recovery Systems (WHRS) for more information. Damper controlled convection section flue gas bypass is an option with WHRS so that the temperature of the process fluid in the WHRS can be maintained independently of the incineration requirement. Born Environmental also supplies instruments with a burner management shutdown system for thermal oxidizers. The unit can even be instrumented to allow safe unattended startups and shutdowns.
Thermal Oxidizers are sized much like a conventional reactor. The Thermal Oxidizer residence time and adiabatic, “reaction” temperature is calculated based on the kinetics of the oxidation to be accomplished. The reaction temperature is regulated via quench air admitted to the thermal oxidizer, generally with a forced draft fan.
Refractory linings are almost always castable refractory to provide abrasion resistance, because the combustion gases typically have velocities in the range of 15 to 30 ft/sec in the Thermal Oxidizer barrel. Flue gases containing sulfur compounds or HCL require castable refractory because it has higher resistance to chemical attack at elevated temperatures. Other measures can be taken to protect the metal of the thermal oxidizer as well, such as asphaltic lining of the interior of the barrel. Stacks are self supporting and are designed to meet the local air districts dispersion requirements, as well as the process requirements for draft.
The flue gases from a thermal oxidizer can be treated downstream in a Selective Catalytic Reducer (SCR) if our evaluation of the fluid to be burned indicates the unit will produce more NOx than is allowed by the local air district. Venturi and packed bed Scrubbers are an option for treating SOx or HCL in the flue gas.